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COVID-19 Lessons Learned: Collaborations Building Resilience Across a Healthcare System: Therapeutic Garden Programs Supporting Patients, Families, Employees and Communities
Friday, September 13, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Category: AHTA Events

COVID-19 Lessons Learned: Collaborations Building Resilience Across a Healthcare System:
Therapeutic Garden Programs Supporting Patients, Families, Employees and Communities 24-7

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Portland, Oregon
Save the date now!

Please join online for virtual or in person as Meghan McKiernan, HTR and Teresia Hazen, HTR, share lessons learned in Legacy Health’s COVID-19 experience from the very beginnings in January 2020 through today. The therapeutic garden program is viewed as an essential service. See how the HTRs and the garden program team are essential workers.

Session Objectives:
1. Describe three studies promoting the evidence-base for gardens in health care.
2. Explain the evidence-base, best practices and example programs supporting resilience and well-being across the workplace from the individual to the organizational level.
3. Describe HTR responsibilities and the value of focus on program assessment and documentation, collaborative goal setting, innovation, sharing, and promoting a range of presentations for one’s Therapeutic Garden Program CQI, organizational success, and AHTA professional development.

Enjoy lunch in the hospital cafeteria before the program.

3:15 – 4:15 join in a guided tour of selected campus therapeutic gardens. We will facilitate the group for continued networking and a dinner gathering if desired.

Registration deadline is August 25. Register via email to Meghan McKiernan at [email protected]. Note if you will attend in person or virtual. Meeting room and further information will be sent in the confirmation email.

Please post and share with your networks. All are welcome!

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