Fundraising: Annual GivingThe American Horticultural Therapy Association is the national organization that promotes the profession of horticultural therapy. You may already know about the healing power of plants, gardens, and horticultural activities and recognize horticultural therapy as a viable, mindful, and beneficial treatment modality. If you are a member who works with the many populations we serve, this knowledge is not an abstraction, but a series of small miracles that you witness first-hand. A donation to AHTA is a gift to those whom horticultural therapists connect to gardens and nature through activity-based interventions. No matter how your donation is put to work, it will help advance the profession of horticultural therapy. Some of those ways include helping with the expenses of our annual conference, increasing our ability to work towards credentialing, offsetting the cost of our journal and other outreach publications, and connecting to colleges and universities, facilities, prisons, hospitals, and agencies that support the profession of horticultural therapy. That’s why we are hoping you can support AHTA in its advancement of the profession of horticultural therapists and in the important work that our profession provides. Donate NowThe American Horticultural Therapy Association is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions from US donors are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. For other opportunities to support AHTA, see the Support AHTA webpage. |