World Therapeutic Horticulture Day
Thanks to the efforts of a collaboration of international organizations focused on horticulture as therapy, the inaugural World Therapeutic Horticulture Day will be held on May 18, 2023. Thank you to Fiona Thackeray from Trellis Scotland for taking the leadership on this project.
It is our goal to raise awareness about the therapeutic benefits of horticulture throughout the world. It is our hope that this day will continue to grow in the years to come. Be sure to tag AHTA in any of your social media posts for this day!
The following are some of the international organizations that have been part of this day:
- Therapeutic Horticulture Australia
- Fédération Française Jardins Nature et Santé
- Canada Horticultural Therapy Association
- Instituto de Horticultura Terapeutica y Social (IHTS)
- Asociación Peruana de Horticultura Terapeutica y Social (APHTS)
- Trellis Scotland
- Thrive Charity
- Asociación Española de Horticultura y Jardinería Social y Terapéutica (AEHJST)
- North Carolina Botanical Garden- University of North Carolia-Chapel Hill
- Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture
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